St Anne's




On behalf of the staff and children at St. Anne`s CE Lydgate Primary School and the Forward as One CE Trust. I would like to welcome you to our school and thank you for visiting our website.
At St. Anne`s CE Lydgate we pride ourselves on our warm and friendly atmosphere and hope that new parents and children will quickly feel part of our school family.
Our high expectations match the high quality teaching and pastoral care our children receive, regardless of their starting points or abilities. This guarantees that they have an excellent beginning to their learning journey at our school.
It is important to us that the children are happy, confident and resilient and enjoy their learning, making the most of all the opportunities we have to offer. We ensure that all learning is purposeful and linked to children`s own experiences so they are engaged, challenged and become highly effective problem solvers and communicators.
Our curriculum is creative, inclusive and exciting. It provides children with a broad range of learning experiences which seek to nurture talents and acquire new skills in a hands-on and engaging way. It is our aim for all children to have a deeper understanding of the world around them and to become responsible and caring citizens of the future.
We hope that during their time with us your children will become confident, articulate, and inquisitive and endeavour to work in partnership with parents to achieve the very best provision for every individual.
Our half-termly digital newsletter keeps everyone informed about forthcoming events, essential information and the exciting activities that have taken place in school. Our class blogs also highlight the key aspects of our curriculum right from our Reception class all the way through to Y6.
I hope that you enjoy reading about what we have to offer. If you are looking for something in particular and are unable to find it, please don’t hesitate to contact the school on 0161 770 7300 and we will be happy to answer your questions.
Best Wishes

Russell Learmont


St Anne's C of E Lydgate Primary School, Cedar Lane, Grasscroft, Saddleworth, OL4 4DS

0161 770 7300