St Anne's

Year 1





10th May 2024

Today, we tried lots of exotic fruits and shared our opinions.

17th April 2024

Today, we explored our exciting new playground markings.

27th March 2024

As part of humanities week, we had to research one of the 'wonders of the world' and present it to the school. Our 'wonder' was Christ the Redeemer'.

26th March 2024

As part of experience Easter, we planted seeds to represent Jesus being a symbol of new life.

21st March 2024

We had a 'Mad Scientist' demonstrate some exciting experiments with us.

11th March 2024

At our Mother's day church service, we shared some lovely pictures with the rest of the school.

7th March 2024

On world book day we had lots of fun sharing our favourite books with the class.

5th March 2024


In English, we had fun role-playing the story of Jack and the beanstalk.

16th February 2024

In R.E we worked in groups to create our own prayers and prayer beads.



8th February 2024


We have been putting our knowledge on addition and subtraction to the test through different maths challenges.



26th January 2024

This afternoon we have been outside to take part in the Big Bird Watch.


22nd January 2024

Year 1 had a very exciting afternoon! Year 4 joined us for our story time and helped share our love of reading.





This week in English, we have continued our work on sequencing 'The Mitten', drawing pictures of the key moments in the book and writing captions to describe what is happening.


In maths, we have continued working with numbers within 20, really consolidating the idea of tens and ones. We have looked at 1 more and 1 less and we have played many games to encourage this learning, the class favourite being bingo.


In science, we have used the opportunity the weather has presented us to look at signs of winter. 'How could somebody who didn't know what the date was recognise that we are in winter?' 





This week in English, we have started our new book, 'The Mitten'. We made predictions about what we thought it was about based on the front cover, then looked back after reading it to see whether we were right. We expressed ourselves by describing our favourite part and started to look at sequencing the story towards the end of the week.


In maths, we have looked at place value within 20, describing numbers using tens and ones. We have been using cubes to represent this and even challenged our partners to work out the numbers we were making.

In science, we have started our new topic on materials. This involved a scavenger hunt around the school. We used our observational skills to identify and group objects into different types of materials.


We have also had the bee-bots out in computing. Looking at moving a robot through programming. 



St Anne's C of E Lydgate Primary School, Cedar Lane, Grasscroft, Saddleworth, OL4 4DS

0161 770 7300