St Anne's

Before and After School Club



The Club is organised on a daily basis by Mrs Natalie Burns (Senior Playworker) supported by Mrs Rebecca Howarth, Mrs Rebecca Mills,


Opening Times:

Our club is open from 7.30am to 8.50am and 3.20 to 5.45pm, each and every school day.


What we offer:

Our Before and After Care is based entirely on what the children want to do. Even though it is structured, the children are free to choose a range of activities and have the opportunity to use our outdoor and indoor facilities.

We want our club to mirror a home environment, so there are a range of suitable activities which allow the children to socialise, relax and play. Craft work, jigsaws, table tennis,  I-pads, DVD’s, outside play & Lego  are just a few of the activities  available within the Club which is mainly situated in the school  hall. Children can also take advantage of the library  where they can read, use the I-pads, or complete homework if they so wish.

We take good advantage of fine weather so we can enjoy our beautiful surroundings within the school site and  play with lot of  outdoor equipment.



At our Breakfast club, toast and milk are available. This is included in the charge.


Children with us after school, receive a drink and a snack, such as sandwiches, fruit or cheese and crackers, again this is included in the charge.

Please click on the link below for the contract, that is required, for your child/children to attend Before and After care.

Payment Contract Before and After School Care Services September 2022


Morning hours: 7.30am -8.50am – £4.50

8am – 8.50am – £3.00

After school hours:  3.20pm -4.45pm – £4.50

3.15pm-5.45pm – £7.50


Booking arrangements:

You can make arrangements for your child to attend Before & Aftercare by collecting a booking form from the office. Parents do not need to pre-book and can contact the school as and when they require the service.

Should you experience a delay in collecting your child at the end of the day please telephone the school office and a message will then be passed to your child to make their way to the Club after school. Children are to be collected from outside the office door.


Our children really enjoy coming to our Before & Aftercare Club; some actually see it as a treat and are disappointed when a parent arrives to collect them earlier than expected!

St Anne's C of E Lydgate Primary School, Cedar Lane, Grasscroft, Saddleworth, OL4 4DS

0161 770 7300