St Anne's

Year 2

Curriculum Sways

Click on the links below to access our half-termly Curriculum Sway:


Autumn 1: Click here Autumn 2: Click here
Spring 1: Click here Spring 2: Click here
Summer 1: Click here Summer 2: Coming soon

Week Beginning 3.6.24

Welcome back to the final half term! It's been a busy week as we've continued learning to tell the time.  The most exciting part of our week was having a vist from Mr and Mrs Twit! The children posted their questions to them to further understand their character ready for letter-writing next week! 

Week Beginning 6.5.24

The sun has shone over Lydgate this week and it's been a wonderful opportunity for more outdoor classroom sessions! 

This week, Year 2 have utilised our new playground markings to create their own games and write instructions. We will be putting the accuracy of them to the test next week! We have also been creating music in computing, experimenting with different software. 

Week Beginning 29.4.24

It's been a very active, exciting week in Year 2.  We were praciticing hockey skills on Monday in PE, followed by reading sheet music on Tuesday and we took maths outside on Thursday! The children did a great job of making arrays and playing with half, a third and a quarter of their equipment. In Friday's computing lesson, we were exploring rhythm when making music digitally. 

Week Beginning 15.4.24

We've had a great start to the summer term! The children started the week by using their DT projects from last half term to act out their own stories to write in English.  They thought very carefully about the plots of their stories and where their stories would be based (photos of their projects to follow!)


We've also had a great time in group guided reading, where we have begun reading texts all about Queen Victoria.  The children had some very interesting debates about her childhood and learnt new vocabulary such as regent. 

Weeks Beginning 11.3.24 & 18.3.24

It's been a busy couple of weeks to wrap up the Spring term! We've put our template and sewing skills to the test in DT, making our puppets.  We also had a fantastic display of learning all about India and the Taj Mahal for Georgrapgy and Humanities week.  We finished the term with our fantastic Experience Easter, where we had plenty of time for reflection and discussion all about the Easter Story. I hope that you all have a fantastic Easter holiday; see you in the summer term! 

Week Beginning 4.3.24

We are proud of Year 2's achievements every week - but WOW! The children have shone this week and proved our school ethos 'All things are possible with God'.  The children did a fantastic job at the Choral Speaking festival, performing the poems, 'Glad to be Me' and 'Sick'. I am sure that they will remember these poems forever! We were also extremely impressed with the creations for World Book Day - so much creativity and effort went into these masterpieces.  A huge thank you to parents for supporting with these events!  We spent World Book Day sharing our favourite stories, reviewing books and even acting out some of our 'Talk Through Stories' books.  We even managed to get outside for some of this week's learning when we were measuring in meters. Of course, not forgetting our mothers' day service at chuch too. A very eventful, exciting week! 

Week Beginning 26.2.24

This week we've continued our work on multiplication and division.  We were using numicon and other concrete resources to work with doubles, halves and our 2, 5 and 10 times tables.  Our Group Guided reading group started their new novel, Around the World in 80 Days.  They're really enjoying seeing the adventure unfold. In Science, we were learning about hygiene and the importance of washing our hands. A couple of children were given glitter in their hands and after a round of high-fives and hand shakes, we saw how easily germs can spread. 

Week Beginning 12:2.24

We've had a busy final week of half term.  Our Tudor House designs have come to life and we look forward to re-creating the Great Fire of London with them!  We're also well on our way with preparations for Choral Speaking after half term. 

Week Beginning 5.2.24

This week, we've spent a lot of time on our Art unit, sculpting. In our Taking In, we were comparing Tudor houses to our own.  We then took this to our 'Testing Out' where we designed our own Tudor buildings and then began to sculpt parts of the patterns and buildings out of clay. We learnt that clay is not the same as play-doh and that we need to handle it carefully before it beigins to dry! 

Week Beginning 29.1.24

It's been another busy, action-packed week in Year 2!  We worked very hard on researching, writing poems and creating posters about our focus bird, from the RSPB Bird Watch, the Red Grouse. We have also been immersing ourselves in our writing unit.  We spent time acting out the Great Fire of London to help gather our emotions and vocabulary for our diary writing next week.  

Week Beginning 22.1.24

WOW!  What a week we've had in Year 2! We began our week with a trip to Firegound.  There, we had a talk about our History unit, the Great Fire of London, and leant all about the history of our local fire service. It was a brilliant experience and the children impressed us all with their prior knowledge.  On Wednesday, we trialled St Anne's first Knowledge Day, which was a great day of activities dedicated to recapping our Autumn term sticky knowledge.  Finally, on Friday, we went Bird Watching on our school grounds.  A great and busy week! 

Week Beginning 15.1.24

We are well into our Spring units.  In maths this week, Year 2 have enjoyed learning about, and calculating with money. We used concrete resources to help us identify the different coins and notes, as well as making different amounts with the coins. We have also enjoyed reading a range of Katie Morag books to help us with our writing unit. 

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Week Beginning 6.11.23

What an exciting week we have had!  On Tuesday, we experienced an African Drumming Workshop. On Thursday, we had our rememberance worship assembly.  The children made poppies that have been displayed around school, as well as poppies for the 100th anniversary of the Pots and Pans Memorial. On Friday, we planted trees across school grounds, which gave us the opportunity to recap our knowledge of habitats and plants - as well as getting very, very muddy! 

Week Beginning 9.10.2023

We have been working hard this week to use the techniques we've learnt in Art (sketching, shading and hatching) to draw our local mills. We've also been using concrete resources in maths to help us recap our number bonds to 20 and 100! In Science, we were testing the suitability of different materials by building rafts.  The children were very good at explaining the reasons why some materials were more suitable then others. 

Week Beginning 25.9.2023

This week, Year 2 have been working hard on: number patterns in maths; building ideas for their character descriptions in English; as well as some exciting music and drama! We were great at acting out our characters' personality and favorite things to do! 


Week Beginning 25.9.2023

What an amazing week we have had!  We began our week by conducting a science investigation into which materials would be the most suitable for raft-building!  We found that some materials were absorbent whilst others were waterproof.  The children were brilliant at using the vocabulary from our knowledge organiser to describe and choose their materials. 


On Wednesday, we went to the Museum of Science and Industry, where we took part in several science experiments and learnt all about industrial Manchester.  We saw a working Spinning Mule, which could allow someone to operate 1000 spindles at once!  We also learnt about the lives of workers in the cotton mills. 


Our week ended with a visit to St Anne's church for Harvest.  Thank you to everyone for your generosity with this Year's collection. 

St Anne's C of E Lydgate Primary School, Cedar Lane, Grasscroft, Saddleworth, OL4 4DS

0161 770 7300