St Anne's

Year 5

Below, we have begun the process of making our CAMs based toys by cutting with a saw and attaching with nails and screws. It’s a new experiment for many. Keep watching for more updates as we continue to build. 

Below, we took part in The Great Science Share 2024. This year’s theme was Sustainable Science. We investigated microfibres of clothing and Fast Fashion.  This is just a glimpse of what was produced and presented to the school. 

On Monday of the final week of Summer 1, we were joined in class by Vanessa, who told the children all about the dangers of CO poisoning. Carbon Monoxide  can be a silent and hidden danger so it was great to see the children learning this life-long awareness. Below are images from various activities and dances they took part in. Head over to the webpage the for  more information.

Below, we were joined by Trevor Fielding from Rotary Club of Oldham to present the class with an award for their efforts at Oldham's Choral Speaking Competition. Well done everyone!   A great effort. I always try to go to the competition with a new poem or idea -  something original - and you presented the intended sentiments and great execution. Olympic Race (Victoria Scale-Constantinou) and Dare to dream (Darren white) were the poems recited. Thanks to Reuben and Edith for collecting the award on behalf of the class.

Below are images from a recent Dance lesson. You can see children rocking out to the hip and happening sounds of Elvis! The class have been dancing through the decades, having fun and learning a little about music and dance history as they go. There are rumours of adult participation too

Below are some of the images from our trip to Alderman Hill, Pots and Pans and the Uppermill Cenotauph.  The class were amazing in the way they conquered the challenge of reaching the highest point in Saddleworth on a very blustery day. I hope they have all shared the story....if not ask them to retell it! Well done everyone - Keep an eye out for more images soon.

Please find the link below to our Spring 1 half-term news letter.

Mr Casey


Below is an image from our entry into Oldham’s 38th Annual Choral Speaking Festival.  We shared Dare to Dream by Darren White and Olympic Race by Victoria Scale-Constantinou. Well done to everyone! It was a great afternoon out and a real celebration of literacy and performance. 

Anyone for long jump? These photos show how fast they were all moving!

Below is a collection of photos from our recent computing lessons. We have learnt about databases and used searching and grouping to find information efficiently.

Below, you can see an image from this week's making of our carousels! Well done everyone - we will share photographs of final products soon.

This week, in science we tested the conductivity of differing metals using light boxes to record the number of Lumens produced by an electrically powered light bulb. Below you can se Kian setting up the experiment. he was ensuring all the variables were constant apart from the change in the type conducting metal in the circuit. Great Science skills Year 5!

Year 5 have been busy this week creating newspaper reports about the Victorian Workhouse, using division skills in Maths and programming Crumbles in ICT. The girls below are working away to get their circuit working.

Please find the link below to our Autumn 2 half-term news letter.

Mr Casey

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Please find attached our Newsletter for Autumn One.

This will share our class based learning for this half term.

Mr Casey

St Anne's C of E Lydgate Primary School, Cedar Lane, Grasscroft, Saddleworth, OL4 4DS

0161 770 7300